
4 solo travellers´ reasons to follow their steps

Eva Fernández May 5, 2017 12:15:19 PM

You might not know it yet, but your best travel buddy might just potentially be… yourself. Travelling solo can push you to cross certain limits you wouldn't cross when travelling with company: living unexpected adventures, meeting new people and creating life-lasting friendships. If you've ever wondered how this experience would feel, just choose a destination and get to it.

When you find yourself alone in the boarding gate you might feel a bit scared about the possibility of feeling lonely or something bad happening during the trip… but if you take a second and look around you, you´ll discover there are plenty of people travelling alone.

Days will pass and you'll realize people are more kind than you expected: they will approach you, host you and make you feel like home out of home. You'll make new friends, see new places, take a lot of selfies…

And if you still don't believe it, just keep reading. We've chosen four solo travellers to explain the reasons behind their decision of travelling alone.


Awaken your senses - Paco Nadal

Paco Nadal is one of Spain's most popular travel journalists, and his passport gathers stamps from every corner on Earth. He usually travels alone, and admits he prefers to do it that way.

One of the advantages of being on your own is that it awakens your senses. “It´s spending 24 hours out of your comfort zone, subject to constant changes, being constantly exposed to new and unexpected sensations.”

As a lone traveller, he´s used to be his own best friend. “It´s not the same to feel loneliness than being alone. I won't deny that travelling alone there will be moments when you'll find yourself missing some company, but in general terms I've never really felt alone.


Your travel buddies will be those you meet along the way - Aniko Villalba

After travelling alone through more than 40 countries, Aniko Villalba has met hundreds of people who have hosted her, guided her through their cities…

She has never felt alone and meeting these people is the reason why she chooses to travel alone. Moving around that way, she has discovered people´s sympathy and kindness.

“Every time I´m travel alone, people approach me and ask me if I need anything, they try to help me out and take care of me.”, she claims, before adding: “many people gave me food, invited me to their homes… I have plenty of host mothers and sisters all around the world.”


Planning is much easier - Michael Alan Connely

This journalist, used to working alone while he´s on the move, thinks travelling alone makes it easier for you to be able to design your trip based on your own preferences, in a much more personalized way.

We all have our particularities, our preferences when choosing a destination… and not everyone shares them. That´s why travelling without company gives you the freedom you really seek.

To know if travelling solo is your thing or not, he recommends everyone to “just make a short trip to a near place on your own.”


It´s a challenge that will make you grow – Nicole Etchart

From Chile, Nicole decided to travel around the world with herself as only company. Since then, Nicole has learnt that every day is a challenge, but also an opportunity to learn new things, both about others and yourself.

She puts it this way: “you're exposed to different challenges (although some people would call them problems) and you'll have to solve them in order to go on with your trip. You´ll find yourself talking to strangers (even despite your mom taught you not to) or eating strange stuff.”

Upon your return, you´ll realize how that trip helped you grow up, broadening your horizons and becoming more tolerant. And specifically in the case of women, she explains “by travelling alone you´ll also be able to show the world that referring to us as the weak gender is out of fashion.”

So, are you already packing your stuff?

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